The manifestation of the non human presence in our 5 sense reality: new information
https://www.phantomsandmonsters.com/2022/03/i-was-controlled-by-shapeshifting.html Shapeshifting account on the great phantoms and monsters Blog
Amnésie, reprogrammation du subconscient, falsification de l’histoire, abductions, au delà et réincarnation Paul Ponssot
Lien entre abductions, effect mandela, ciblage electromagnétique, nature de la réalité et présence non humaine Paul Ponssot
Transhumanisme et possession: la connexion occulte Paul Ponssot
The new age deception (english podcast) Paul Ponssot
In this podcast, Paul dives deep in the New Age movement and how it is a tool used by soulless beings to manipulate the masse through the fake saviour complex
Link towards the channel les clés du discernement (in French) that talks in great detail about the new age scam
Biography of Helena Blavatsky
The occult rejects channel link
Mots-clés: spirituality, secret societies, false light, new age deception, non human presence.
Paul Ponssot 26 mars 2022
https://www.phantomsandmonsters.com/2022/03/i-was-controlled-by-shapeshifting.html Shapeshifting account on the great phantoms and monsters Blog
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