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soulless beings

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Présence non humaine

Demonic possession, intrusive thoughts and an uplifting account of human resilience, courage and strength: Paul ponssot interviews Jerry Marzinsky and Anon (pseudonym) who said “no” and triumphed against the demonic entities (english podcast)

Paul Ponssot 2 avril 2022

Jerry marzinsky’s website and channel https://www.jerrymarzinsky.com/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBNoxH3e_xoufUo4MTVJ2XQ Link to jerry’s book https://www.jerrymarzinsky.com/books Link to Anon’s book https://www.asteroxrising.com/ Link to Anon Omous’s website

English Podcasts podcast en anglais
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Présence non humaine

Egregores, Non human entities, artificial intelligence and mind control (english podcast)

Paul Ponssot 26 février 2022

An article on Tulpas that are an extreme form of egregores http://anomalyinfo.com/Stories/1929-pre-alexandra-david-neel-and-tulpas-tibet Interview of Lily Kolosowa on AI https://www.jerrymarzinsky.com/ Above the link to Jerry Marzinsky’s work (that we interviewed for audeladelillusion!). His analysis is spot on on the way soulless beings affect our very thoughts

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