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Présence non humaine

James Bartley: the alien deception, abductions and world events (interview in english)

Paul Ponssot 13 janvier 2024

Dans cette interview exclusive (en anglais), j’ai l’honneur de recevoir James Bartley une légende ufologique américaine, pionnier de la recherche sur les abductions, la présence non humaine et le contrôle mental par les entités sans âme. Ci joint le site de James Bartley Welcome to The Cosmic Switchboard Ci joint […]

English Podcasts podcast en anglais
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Présence non humaine

Mysterious disappearances, alien abductions, vortices, mandela effect and the erasure phenomenon (english podcast)

Paul Ponssot 25 juin 2022

Link to Paul and Lena’s book (in French) that talks extensively about disappearances and the manipulation of reality by the soulless beings https://www.youtube.com/c/canammissingproject Link towards David Paulides great Channel https://www.canammissing.com/page/page/8396197.htm Link towards David Paulides website https://www.canammissing.com/page/page/8396197.htm Link to the 1970 book in French that talks about the millions of people […]

English Podcasts podcast en anglais
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The Death Trap and false light: how the interlife is manipulated by the soulless beings

Paul Ponssot 12 mars 2022

Below is a Link to Wayne Bush’s great Website www.trickedbythelight.com Books by Matthew delooze who talks about the manipulation in the afterlife https://www.lulu.com/search?adult_audience_rating=00&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIurTms7DA9gIVko1oCR2XeQ_pEAAYASAAEgKH-PD_BwE&page=1&pageSize=10&q=matthew+delooze link to Michael Newton’s book https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCf9GQ5J7hC0gh6fReSAL4tg/videos Youtube channel by BW melvin

English Podcasts podcast en anglais
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Présence non humaine

Possession by soulless beings and the nature of reality (english podcast)

Paul Ponssot 5 février 2022

In this Podcast, Paul looks into possession by non human beings and its impact on our everyday life Eve Lorgen’s website: in her books, Eve lorgen explains in great detail the impact of soulless beings in our everyday life https://davidicke.com/ A link to David Icke’s website: in his books, David […]

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