Interview de Marc Gray: ratlines, project paperclip, Antarctique, présence non humaine, transhumanisme, hybrides, agenda 2030 et nature de la réalité
https://odysee.com/@FREEDOMUFOS:8 Lien vers la Chaine Odysee de Marc Gray
https://odysee.com/@FREEDOMUFOS:8 Lien vers la Chaine Odysee de Marc Gray
http://www.parascience.com/ Le site de Larry Arnold https://www.leparisien.fr/val-de-marne-94/val-de-marne-le-mystere-de-la-femme-carbonisee-sans-feu-13-04-2020-8298918.php Cas récent en France de Combustion humaine spontanée
L’interview de virgil commence à 22min et 3 secondes après ma petite présentation! https://www.youtube.com/@KONNEXIONMYSTERE Ci dessus lien vers la géniale chaine konnexion mystère de Virgil https://www.youtube.com/user/Eijy31 La chaine Hip hop De virgil https://www.youtube.com/@KonnexionJapon/about Chaine de Virgil consacrée au Mangas Japonais
Interview of Tommy T by Andrew Johnson Welcome… Andrew Johnson’s great website: checktheevidence.com
Ci dessus, lien vers le site de Marc Gray https://odysee.com/@FREEDOMUFOS:8 La chaine Odyssee de Marc Gray
in this videocast, I Talk again with Wayne Bush about the soulless beings and how they manipulate us in the afterlife. We then go into topics such as the nature of reality, the vampirism aspect of the manipulation, AI and soul predation. In the last part of the interview, we […]
https://www.facebook.com/groups/425493709292653 Jinean’s Facebook group https://me954.infusionsoft.app/app/form/whatcanbedonetotakeonthevoices-pdf Link to a very important thesis by Jerry Marzinsky and Sherry Swiney https://www.jerrymarzinsky.com/ Jerry’s website Sherry Swiney’s radio program
Alfred Lambremont Webre’s websites https://exouniversity.org/ https://exopolitics.blogs.com/ Alfred’s youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/c/ExopoliticsTV/videos
Link to Jerry Marzinsky’s website https://www.jerrymarzinsky.com https://www.jerrymarzinsky.com/books link to Jerry Marzinsky and Sherry Swiney’s very important book https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBNoxH3e_xoufUo4MTVJ2XQ Jerry Marzinsky’s youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/c/Taoss123KeyholeJourney/videos Sherry Swiney’s youtube channel