English Podcasts podcast en anglais 6 insert_link share email close 621 6 interview The real consequences of the intrusive voice phenomenon and demonic possession: Jinean Florom and Jerry Marzinsky interview (in english) Paul Ponssot 19 mai 2022
English Podcasts podcast en anglais 5 insert_link share email close 840 5 interview Ole Dammegard interviewed by Paul Ponssot: the Ukraine situation, the “pandemic” and the influence of hidden bloodlines (english interview) Paul Ponssot 30 avril 2022
English Podcasts podcast en anglais 1 play_arrow share playlist_add email close 190 1 Nature de la réalité Egregores and tulpas: when beliefs become physical reality Paul Ponssot 23 avril 2022
English Podcasts podcast en anglais 3 insert_link share email close 169 3 Nature de la réalité Andrew Johnson interview: weather manipulation, the secret space program and the nature of reality Paul Ponssot 16 avril 2022
English Podcasts podcast en anglais insert_link share email close 158 Présence non humaine Alfred Lambremont webre interview:The chronogarchy and exopolitics: how our reality is controlled by non human and human time travellers (english podcast) Paul Ponssot 9 avril 2022
English Podcasts podcast en anglais 1 insert_link share email close 185 1 Présence non humaine Demonic possession, intrusive thoughts and an uplifting account of human resilience, courage and strength: Paul ponssot interviews Jerry Marzinsky and Anon (pseudonym) who said “no” and triumphed against the demonic entities (english podcast) Paul Ponssot 2 avril 2022
English Podcasts podcast en anglais play_arrow share playlist_add email close 141 Présence non humaine The new age deception (english podcast) Paul Ponssot 26 mars 2022
English Podcasts podcast en anglais play_arrow share playlist_add email close 183 Parapsychologie scientifique Ghosts, hauntings, the non human presence and the nature of reality Paul Ponssot 19 mars 2022
English Podcasts podcast en anglais play_arrow share playlist_add email close 139 Spiritualité The Death Trap and false light: how the interlife is manipulated by the soulless beings Paul Ponssot 12 mars 2022