The news media script ritual and the possession factor: new information
Michael Hoffman’s sequel that delves even deeper into the ritual aspect of the script behind the news Michael hoffman’s website https://www.revisionisthistory.org/
Amnésie, reprogrammation du subconscient, falsification de l’histoire, abductions, au delà et réincarnation Paul Ponssot
Lien entre abductions, effect mandela, ciblage electromagnétique, nature de la réalité et présence non humaine Paul Ponssot
Transhumanisme et possession: la connexion occulte Paul Ponssot
Paul Ponssot 29 janvier 2022 145
Psychic vampirism and the non human presence (podcast in English/podcast en anglais) Paul Ponssot
Link to Matthew Delooze’s books. Matthew Delooze does a brilliant study of the vampirism phenomenon in mass events
The david paulides youtube channel that goes into the missing person phenomenon
Link to Richard D hall’s film
Mots-clés: spirituality, alien abductions, non human entities, the nature of reality.
Paul Ponssot 29 janvier 2022
Michael Hoffman’s sequel that delves even deeper into the ritual aspect of the script behind the news Michael hoffman’s website https://www.revisionisthistory.org/
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