Ole Dammegard interviewed by Paul Ponssot
In this podcast the great Ole Dammegard is back for a great interview. We discuss: The Capitol false flag, The Gladio network, the latest on the covid scamdemic it’s link […]
Amnésie, reprogrammation du subconscient, falsification de l’histoire, abductions, au delà et réincarnation Paul Ponssot
Lien entre abductions, effect mandela, ciblage electromagnétique, nature de la réalité et présence non humaine Paul Ponssot
Transhumanisme et possession: la connexion occulte Paul Ponssot
Paul Ponssot 20 mai 2021 1206 12
David Icke interviewed by Paul Ponssot: current events, IA, archons and the nature of reality Paul Ponssot
In this Podcast Paul Ponssot interviews David Icke: in this extremely important interview David Icke talks about the endgame of the non human entities that control this reality, it’s link to IA and current events
David icke’s website:
Mots-clés: nature of reality, interviews, non human presence, spirituality.
Paul Ponssot 8 avril 2021
In this podcast the great Ole Dammegard is back for a great interview. We discuss: The Capitol false flag, The Gladio network, the latest on the covid scamdemic it’s link […]
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